Aashia Chanana


Hi there!

For those that don’t know me yet:
Nice to meet you, my name is Aashia, and I’m 19, from New Delhi, India. I lived there my whole life before moving to Maastricht in 2021. I’m going to be in my third year of my bachelor's in 2023 and I’m thrilled to be the Secretary & PR Coordinator for Vectum. I have been an active member of Vectum since my first year helping the Secretaries up their Instagram game with my Gen Z knowledge, and being a part of this community has enriched my experience in a land unknown to me.

As the secretary, I coordinate the Public Relations committee to create the PerVectum, as well as to manage our social media, and also am the person to reach out to for any questions that you may have!
For all the creative minds out there, please apply to the PR committee next year!

This year we are also in the process of designing new merchandise for Vectum if you have any ideas, my DMs are always open :)

I hope to see you all during our amazing Tuesday activities.
You’ll be seeing my name very often in your emails; make sure you know how to correctly pronounce it! 😋✨