Martin Bergmann


Hey, it's Martin Bergmann. For all those non-German speaking amongst you, my last name translates to "Mountain man" and this perfectly describes me. I love nature and anytime a possibility opens up, I go on a hike. Additionally, I tend to go on smaller (or sometimes bigger) trips and explore the world and what it has to offer. When I'm in Maastricht however, I like to meet up with friends, have a drink, go out or also just have a relaxing evening. And besides that, I do play chess regularly (current rating of 1250) and I'm always open to playing against you ;)

As the Internal Affairs Coordinator, I am responsible for organising the weekly Vectum activities, as well as ensuring they go smoothly and that every participant is having fun. My goal is to bring back well-loved activities, as well as introduce new and exciting ones. This will all be done with my indisposable Summer Committee and Activities Committee, of course, whom I would be working with. Other than that, I am also responsible for coordinating the First Year Trip and the Member’s Weekend, which take place at the beginning and the end of the year respectively. This year we are also organising the very first edition of “Vectum Trip” I am looking forward to making every event an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things, and above all, have fun.